Thursday, May 29, 2014

Making Memories

I asked students to reflect on our school year and asked them the following question.  What is something that we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?  I truly enjoyed reading their blog posts. The overall theme of them is that it is the relationships we build that have a lasting impact. I know I have many, many wonderful memories of our year.  

I want to extend a special thank you to the students, parents, staff, and community of Polser Elementary. I have enjoyed learning alongside you this year.  As most of you are aware, my husband and I are relocating to the Austin area to be closer to family; however, I will carry a piece of each of you in my heart.

What's New at the Zoo?

We just wrapped our our last PBL of the year.  While I have enjoyed all of our PBL experiences this year, I think this one is my personal favorite!  The staff at the zoo were absolutely wonderful with the students.  Check out the blog the Dallas Zoo wrote about our experience here.