Thursday, August 29, 2013

I-PICK a "Just Right Book"

As part of our Daily 5 practice, students are learning to select "just right" books for their browsing boxes.  We utilize the I-PICK strategy.  I-PICK is an acronym that supports students in selecting books for independent reading time.  

We have been practicing how to select "just right" books to put in our browsing boxes (blue boxes in the pictures below.)  We have four books in our boxes that students have selected as "just right" so we can stay on task for our entire independent reading time.  

Additionally, we watched the video of a song another second grade class made up to remember the I-PICK strategy.  

Happy reading!
Mrs. Haney

Monday, August 26, 2013


Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year.  I am excited to be learning alongside your amazing second grade superstars.  Please check this blog often so you can stay current with the learning in our classroom.  You may want to sign up to receive email notifications when this blog is updated by entering your email address in the box to the right.  Another way you can stay current with the news of our classroom is to sign up for Remind 101.  You will receive text reminders from me regarding important events and happenings.  

In order for student pictures and work to be posted in this blog, parents must consent via the forms in Skyward and in writing through our campus permission form.  I will not begin posting pictures or student work until the third week of school in order to allow sufficient time for all parents to submit the necessary paperwork.  

Blogging is an excellent way for us to learn about the important 21st century skills of communication and collaboration.  Within the first nine weeks of school, students will have the opportunity to maintain their own blogs.  We will also be able to connect with other classes both locally and globally to share our learning and collaborate on various projects.  

I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!