Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Frosty's Challenge #4: Learning to Code

Frosty left us with the following challenge and left a QR code for us to scan.  

It took us to the following video from President Obama!


President Obama challenged us to learn how to write computer code.  Frosty left instructions with Mrs. Haney to show us a short project he created using the Hopscotch app.  He made a monkey move across the stage (screen in "code talk") and then when we clapped our hands the monkey grew bigger. (Mrs. Haney said that was because the monkey was getting a big ego from all our clapping.) 

We were impressed--all this from an elf who doesn't have opposable thumbs!   

After a short tutorial, we spent time learning to write code to make avatars move across a screen.  

It isn't every day that a class has an elf friend who has President Obama challenge them to learn to code.  Can't wait to see what Frosty has in store for us next !

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Month of Learning With Frosty

This month, we have a special learning friend visiting our class.  Hover over the image below and click one of the targets.  We got started a couple of days late, but we are excited about our new guest.  Check back each day to see what we have learned.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Goods and Services Around Carrollton, TX

As we continue our study of economics, we will be discussing how work provides income to purchase goods and services and the choices people can make about spending money in the U.S. free enterprise system.

During the week of Thanksgiving, student families partnered with us to ensure that our studies could be meaningful and relevant to each student.  Many parents snapped pictures for us as they went around our town making purchases with their students.  We are discussing the purchases we made at each location and discussing if our purchases were goods or services.  Below is a slide presentation of some of the places students visited.  Later this week, students will explore the app Telligami to tell us more about the many choices we have to spend income in our city.

A special thank you everyone who submitted pictures!  
Mrs. Haney

Here are some of our videos: