Blogger: Our class blog account
The purpose of our class blog is to provide a more in depth look at the learning in our classroom. Posts will be updates at least once a week. For parents, this will take the place of a weekly printed newsletter (parents may request a printed copy of blog posts if they do not have internet access.) Pictures of students and student work will be posted (with parent permission). We hope other teachers and classrooms will collaborate with us on our learning. Comments on our posts are welcome. Readers will be able to link to all other social media through our class blog.
Twitter: @2ndGrSuperstars
We will be using Twitter on a daily basis to connect and learn with others. We will connect with other classrooms and individuals. Parents are welcome to follow us and share their expertise.
Facebook: Like our Facebook Page
The updates will not be as current as our Twitter page. They will also be different in nature. Facebook is a place we will post reminders about special events and periodically post pictures. If you are a Facebook user, you may want to like our page. Our posts will show up in your news feed.
Coming Soon!
Kidblog: Student Blogs
Students, with parent permission, will have the opportunity to maintain their own individual blogs. We are currently working on paper blogs in class to learn more about the blogging process. We will be launching our individual blogs within the first nine weeks.
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