As I shared before, our class has begun our very first adventure with Project Based Learning this year. I was out two days this week, attending a workshop, but we still moved forward in our learning.
Since our last post about our PBL project, we had two visitors come to our class to share their knowledge with us.
First, Mr. Froese, the director of Educational Technology for our district, came to speak with us about digital learning. We had lots of questions for him and he had even more for us. He really helped the kids dig deep in regard to what direction they wanted to move with their projects. He also gave us ideas for how to frame key words for our online research.
One of the words on our rubric was creative. As the kids discussed the rubric, they wondered how they would know if their project were creative. Mia remembered a lesson Mrs. Windham, our GT teacher had done over creativity so we invited her to come visit us again for a brief review. She brought FEFO with her and gave us some wonderful information. She even left a poster she had made to explain what FEFO stood for (Fluency, Elaboration, Flexibility, Originality.) We will definitely use this as we begin to consider products to share our learning.
One of our "Needs to Know" questions was How do we know if a website is safe or not? As a class we are exploring this question (more to come on this in a future blog post.) Each team of students decided to select one of the tools we use as digital learners and create a product to share with other second graders so they will know how to use these tools safely and responsibly. Below are our teams.
More to come soon!
Pic Penguins--PicCollage
Twitter Tigers--Twitter
Bird Bloggers--Kid Blog
FASTTMath Fasties--FASTTMath
Smart Hawks--SmartBoard
Perfect Pals: Puppet Pals